
Diesel has been a popular choice of fuel for commercial fleet vehicles for decades due to its high-energy content and efficiency. However, in recent years, the need for reducing GHG emissions has led to a reassessment of diesel's suitability and sparked the development of cleaner diesel technologies. This research evaluates the latest advancements and their implications for the use of diesel fuel in commercial vehicles.

New Advancements in Diesel Technology

Several technological advancements have recently been made in the diesel industry to curb emissions and improve fuel efficiency. These include innovations such as Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems, Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF), Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR), and biodiesel fuels.

Quantifying GHG Emissions in GGE

Estimating the GHG emissions of diesel fuel involves comparing it with gasoline in terms of GGE. For the comparison, it's important to note that diesel fuel contains approximately 11% more energy than gasoline per gallon, thus, a gallon of diesel fuel has more carbon and will emit more CO2 when burned than a gallon of gasoline (EPA, 2021).

For this study, we use the Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) measurements, where 1 GGE = 125,000 BTU. Given that diesel has about 138,690 BTU/gallon, one gallon of diesel is equivalent to 1.11 GGE. Therefore, to calculate the emissions, we need to account for the higher energy content of diesel, making the diesel to GGE comparison more accurate.

Diesel’s Effect on Sustainability

Economic, Environmental, and Social Cost

The total cost of using diesel in commercial vehicles goes beyond the purchase price of the fuel. It includes environmental costs such as climate change effects due to GHG emissions, health costs due to air pollution, and social costs such as noise pollution. These "external costs" are difficult to quantify precisely, but studies suggest that they can be substantial, warranting the need for more sustainable transport solutions.

Forecast of the Growth Rate of Diesel as Commercial Vehicle Fuel

Despite the progress in cleaner diesel technologies, the commercial vehicle sector is experiencing a transition towards electric and hydrogen fuel cell technologies. This shift is driven by increasing regulatory pressure to reduce emissions, the falling cost of batteries, and a growing public interest in sustainability.

In this environment, the growth rate of diesel as a commercial vehicle fuel is expected to decrease. Nevertheless, given the existing infrastructure and the current lack of feasible alternatives for long-haul and heavy-duty vehicles, diesel will likely remain a significant part of the commercial vehicle fuel mix in the near to medium term.


Advancements in diesel technology have reduced its environmental impact and improved its cost-effectiveness, sustaining its use in the commercial fleet vehicle sector. However, with the shift towards zero-emission vehicles, the role of diesel is expected to diminish over time. As technology and infrastructure for alternative fuels continue to develop, a more sustainable transportation future seems attainable.

Despite the forecasted decrease in the growth rate of diesel as a commercial vehicle fuel, the transition towards more sustainable alternatives will need to be strategically managed to ensure energy security, economic stability, and social acceptance. The pace of this transition will be influenced by a combination of factors, including government policy, market forces, technological advances, and societal preferences. These variables should be continuously monitored to ensure an accurate understanding of the ongoing evolution in the commercial vehicle sector.

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